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Full guidelines for feeding and caring for adult rabbits

Full guidelines for feeding and caring for adult rabbits

When rabbits reach adulthood between the ages of 180 and 5, their bodies have matured and various indicators are stable, making it the best time to raise rabbits. But don't think that this period can be taken lightly. Reasonable nutritio...
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How to do a good job in spring disease prevention for laying hens

How to do a good job in spring disease prevention for laying hens

1. Viral diseases Strengthening feeding management and ensuring daily hygiene and disinfection are important measures to effectively prevent the occurrence of this disease. Establish a sound and standardized hygiene and disinfection syst...
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Strategic Cooperation with CAAS-Pet Stem Cells and Vaccines

Strategic Cooperation with CAAS-Pet Stem Cells and Vaccines

On September 19, 2023, in the conference room on the third floor of Hebei Joycome Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a strategic cooperation was reached with Director Sun Changwei of the Institute of Special Products of the Chinese Academy of Agr...
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5 prohibited veterinary drugs for laying hens

5 prohibited veterinary drugs for laying hens

To administer medication to a flock of chickens, it is important to understand some general medication knowledge. There are several prohibited medications for laying hens Furan drugs. The commonly used furan drugs mainly include furazoli...
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Common viral diseases and their harm in dogs

Common viral diseases and their harm in dogs

With the improvement of people's living standards, keeping dogs has become a fashion and spiritual refuge, and dogs have gradually become friends and close companions of humans. However, some viral diseases have serious harm to dogs, ser...
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China, New Zealand commit to combat livestock disease

China, New Zealand commit to combat livestock disease

The first China-New Zealand Dairy Diseases Control Training Forum was held in Beijing. The first China-New Zealand Dairy Diseases Control Training Forum was held on Saturday in Beijing, aiming to strengthen bilateral cooperation in comba...
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The great effect of veterinary Vitamin C

The great effect of veterinary Vitamin C

With the increasing scale of farming, the stress of poultry and other increases and vitamin deficiencies and obvious deficiencies will occur. The addition of vitamin C has become an important part of production. Main ingredients: Vitamin...
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Epidemic situation, vaccine selection and immunization procedure of foot-and-mouth disease

Epidemic situation, vaccine selection and immunization procedure of foot-and-mouth disease

----National Technical Guidelines for Animal Epidemic Immunization in 2022 In order to do a good job in immunization against animal epidemics, the China Animal Epidemic Prevention and Control Center specially formulated the National Tech...
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Why do poultry have a fever? How to treat?

Why do poultry have a fever? How to treat?

Why do poultry have a fever? Poultry fever is mostly caused by cold or inflammation like human fever, which is a common symptom in the process of breeding. Generally, the peak period of poultry fever is in winter. Because of the cold wea...
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5 tips for early knowledge of chicken disease

5 tips for early knowledge of chicken disease

1. Get up early and turn on the lights to observe the chickens. After getting up early and turning on the lights, the healthy chickens barked when the breeder come, showing that they were in urgent need of food. If the chickens in the ca...
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