How to do a good job in spring disease prevention for laying hens

1. Viral diseases

Strengthening feeding management and ensuring daily hygiene and disinfection are important measures to effectively prevent the occurrence of this disease. Establish a sound and standardized hygiene and disinfection system, cut off the transmission of pathogens to the greatest extent possible, block, isolate, treat and disinfect diseased laying hens, and carry out standardized harmless treatment of diseased and dead chicken carcasses. Deeply bury or burn pollutants and bedding materials.

In daily management, it is necessary to provide a suitable environment for the growth of the chicken flock. In spring, insulation and ventilation should be done well to reduce the adverse stress caused by the thief wind on the chicken flock, and high-quality feed should be provided to meet the nutritional supply of laying hens. According to the actual situation, strict adherence to relevant immunization procedures can greatly reduce the risk of disease outbreaks.


Regularly mixing Happy 100 for chicken flocks contains ingredients such as chlorogenic acid and Eucommia ulmoides polysaccharides. Chlorogenic acid has antibacterial and antiviral effects, which can help chicken resist external virus and bacterial infections. Eucommia ulmoides polysaccharides are immune polysaccharides that can enhance chicken resistance.

2. Bacterial diseases

Adopting a full in and out feeding method can effectively avoid cross infection; Adopt closed management as much as possible to reduce or eliminate contact between chicken flocks and Escherichia coli pollutants. Timely do a good job in cold and heat protection, avoid cold and heat stress, create a comfortable environment for laying hens, and maintain the most suitable indoor temperature of 19-22 ℃ and humidity of about 65%. Flexibly adjust the density based on the age of laying hens to avoid overcrowding. Keep the enclosure quiet, reduce noise stress, and ensure healthy growth of laying hens.

Regularly clean chicken manure, keep the site clean, and stack and ferment the manure uniformly; Always maintain good ventilation in the chicken coop to prevent the increase in ammonia concentration from damaging the respiratory mucosa of the chicken. Regularly thoroughly disinfect the roads, chicken coops, utensils, etc. in the farm area, and comprehensively disinfect the incubation workshop, equipment, eggs, sinks, material tanks, walls, floors, etc. in the breeding chicken farm to reduce the probability of E. coli infection in laying hens.

3. Nutritional diseases

The key to preventing and treating nutritional diseases in laying hens is to scientifically prepare and feed them a full price diet. The preparation of feed for laying hens should carefully refer to national standards to ensure the reasonable combination of key nutrients such as crude protein, energy substances, dietary fiber, and trace elements (mineral elements, vitamins), fully meeting the normal nutritional needs of laying hens for growth, development, and egg production.

Regular mixing of bile acids can solve the problem of fatty liver caused by excessive nutrition, promote the digestion and absorption of fat soluble substances, help the liver eliminate toxins, solve liver damage caused by drugs, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and other reasons, and repair the liver.

Spring climate change triggers changes in the indoor and outdoor environment of the house. Providing nutritious feed, stabilizing the indoor environment and temperature, paying attention to daily chicken patrols and observations, and avoiding low-level errors are the foundation for raising good chickens in spring.

Post time: Mar-15-2024